Thursday, January 22, 2009

Link of the Day -- Carrot Flowers

Since yesterday's post-it origami, I've been thinking about the fun ways that I can add creativity and artfulness into the least expected of places. I'll be honest, this isn't an entirely unusual thing for me, but sometimes it just gets kicked into full gear...

On that note, I remembered this nifty idea that I'd seen a few weeks ago on Apartment Therapy (a blog, which, by the way, is edging closer and closer to my ideal mix of food and decor day by day). It spruces up one of my most love/hate vegetables, carrots. They're so tasty in baby form and dipped in something like hummus or ranch, but in any other way they're just so blah to me. Especially cooked. But we don't have to go too deep into that.

Regardless, I'd be far more interested in carrots if they always looked like this. You always hear about adding carrots to a salad for color appeal, but do it like this and your culinary and artistic skills seemingly soar through the roof. Just don't tell anyone how easy it is to do! Check out the step-by-step here.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Very cute, but a huge problem - you need a VERY sharp knife to do that well - something we can't afford :(