Friday, January 23, 2009

Food Iconography and Evolution -- Super Cool!

This morning I found a little bit of a treasure trove. I realize that this may not be as thrilling for you as it is for me, but maybe, just maybe, there are some crazies out there who love this stuff as much as I do. There, you have your disclaimer.

Anyway, I'm loving this article on neat-o-rama about the evolution of classic food logos. The Morton salt girl, the Laughing Cow (whose French likeness was strangely pervasive in Morocco), even Aunt Jemima--these are icons that we've grown up with, but what are the stories? Where did they come from? How have they changed and why didn't they continue to evolve past the 1940's?

Whether you want to read those stories or not, you have to check out the incredible montages of images available over here. Did you know that there have been 6 different Aunt Jemimas and that Betty Crocker isn't a real person? If you read, at least you'll score some super oddball food trivia, and you'll win some points in my book!

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