Friday, January 30, 2009

Design Porn: Blue Potato Parchment Bowls

These. Are. The. Coolest. Things. I. Have. Ever. Seen.

I have a feeling most of you wouldn't believe me if I said the gorgeous bowl pictured above was made out of potatoes. But it's not made of ordinary potatoes, you see--it's made of really gorgeous (and completely edible) purple potatoes. Artist Margaret Dorfman has taken the pretty chip an extra step though, by curing, pressing, and aging potato slivers and artfully layering them one by one to form these exquisite looking bowls. And it's not just potatoes she works with--Margaret is making bowls out of all kinds of vegetables, one more beautiful that the next. Other than the purple potato, I'm particularly digging the thai papaya, beet, and white raddish versions pictured below.

Something tells me this isn't your traditional DIY project, but surprisingly the bowls are fairly affordable, ranging from $28 to $54 for the purple potato, available here, and just $34 for the other varieties that can be found on her site right here. And please, whatever you do, don't try eating them.

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