Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Simple Homemade Gifts: Pistachio Fudge Bark

This recipe has a bit of an identity crisis. Is it fudge? It is bark? Truth be told, it's something in between, but there's something I'm damn sure of--it's tasty as hell. Today's recipe is just as easy--and just as fancy--as yesterday's, and with just the same dose healthy consciousness. This one's adapted from Ms. Nigella Lawson.

Pistachio Fudge Bark

What You'll Need:

  • 12 oz. quality chocolate (70% cacao recommended)
  • 1/2 cup condensed milk
  • unsalted pistachios (1 container or about 5 oz.)
  • 1 oz. butter
  • optional -- a sprinkling of high quality salt, such as Murray River Salt or Fleur de Sel

What to do:

Melt chocolate over a double boiler and add condensed milk and butter. Fold in pistachios and remove from heat. The mixture will be doughy rather than liquid-y.

Line a shallow baking dish or cookie sheet with wax paper (about 9x9 would be ideal, but I used 9x11 and was fine).

Transfer mixture to baking dish. Top with another layer of wax paper and roll it out to desired thickness with a rolling pin. About 1/4 inch worked really nicely for me. If you're using salt, this is the point at which you sprinkle the bark lightly with your favorite kind. My Murray River salt (very coarse and a strong sea taste) worked beautifully.

Toss it in the fridge until set, which doesn't take more than an hour or two. Cut into pieces and enjoy!

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