Thursday, September 25, 2008

Sliding Into Home Plate

Yes, yes... you're all due an explanation.

Well, perhaps I should tell you that last night I was offered a full-time job. That's right, a full-time job! With a salary, and benefits, and the whole nine yards!

Perhaps I should also tell you that yesterday I discovered that there would be an opening at the travel magazine where I'm now working... in editorial... and with a fantastic title!

But alas, these two scenarios intersect only by pure coincidence. The job I was offered, in fact, isn't even in magazines. It's the only thing outside of magazines that I've ever considered--PR for upscale restaurants at a boutique NYC firm. The salary? Average. The perks? Enormous.

I almost don't even know how it happened. An informational interview in June led to a job offer in September, and the time in between seems to have all but disappeared. Was this really meant to be? I feel like, by some twist of fate that I can't yet understand, I've slid into home plate with not a single second to spare.

I held off on sharing the news until all my decisions were final and out in the open. Today I told my mentor at the travel magazine that I'd "most likely" be taking the job. I'd already said yes, but I wanted to soften the blow.

It also happens to be that today was the first day I've ever felt like an intern. When I'd made it through all my important work and nobody had projects for me to do, I offered my services to whoever would take them. "Want to clean the office? There are so many things in the wrong place," I was asked. Let's just say I quickly cleaned off one surface and occupied myself with a task more worthy of my Ivy League degree--freelance editing.

And the editorial job that's opening in December? It seems heavy in administrative work and low on the editing duties, but with a 3 month trial in store with PR, the timing could work out if things are meant to be.

In my new role, I'll be an assistant account executive--a fancy title that lets me eat out for free as a job requirement. Restaurant openings, TV press appearances, and food tastings are all part of the description. Could a food writer find a more perfect mecca?

Alas, I'll be able to afford that killer meal--nay, it will be on the house! And magazines? They're still in my heart. And I'm sure I'll make my way there soon. But for now, I'll gladly pass on my intern duties and take the freelance bylines to myself. Only time will tell where this curvy old road will go next.


Q said...

I'm so completely excited and happy for you, lady! woohoo!!! this means celebration!! (with lots of wine & cheese)

Anonymous said...

This is great news!! I wish I could be there to celebrate with you!!!!